If you have a shell credit card you can pay your shell bill online very easily. Shell had made it very easier for the shell customers to pay their bills online; you just need to have an online account for this purpose.
If you have shell drive for five card or shell fleet plus card or any other card you can register for shell card online that offers great online services.
You can manage your account, download past invoices, manage fuel purchases, set constraints, etc. Another great service that shell card online provides you is to pay your shell bill online.
How to pay your shell bill online?
To pay your bill online you first have to register your shell credit card online account on Citibank website. Here is how you can register your card:
- Go to shell card online sign on page.
- Click “REGISTER YOUR CARD” and a new page will open.
- Enter your card number.
- Enter your names, exactly as it appears on your card.
- Enter the security code that is given at the back of the card.
- At last, you need to enter the last 4 digits of your Social Security Number.
- Click “Verify”.
If you provide correct information, your online account will be registered and you will able to make use of its great services as well as pay bill online.
Here is what you have to do to pay your shell bill online:
- First, you have to go to shell credit login page.
- Then you need to enter your User ID.
- Enter your password.
- You can also select ‘Remember My User ID’ checkbox if you like.
- Click “sign on” button.
- Then you need to give your financial information.
- Enter the amount you want to pay.
You can pay your complete bill or just a portion but make sure to pay the minimum bill so you don’t have to pay the late fee.
Apart from paying your bill online, you can also pay the bill through mail or phone. So, it’s up to you which method you want to choose.